
Sunday, May 26, 2013

Applications from a Creek

I was at the cabin this weekend with my youth group and a few friends and I went for a walk. While on our walk, we came across a creek and talked about how it is beautiful. The question was asked, "Why does a brook sing?" and I was thinking that its because of the rocks. My friend said, "The rocks that cause the creek to sing are like the problems and troubles that arise in our life. We can sing even though we are dealing with the trouble in front of us because we have Christ in our life and if we give our problems to Him, then we don't have to worry! :) Also singing can help lift our spirits as well as encourage those around us. Another thing that was said was that as the creek runs along on top of the rocks, it smooths the rocks. That is just like us with our problems. We are smoothing the road for those coming along behind us and by doing so, we can be an example by how we deal with our problems and be an encouragement to those around us that may be dealing with the same thing. Even if those around us aren't dealing with the same thing, they can be encouraged by our faith and by our reliance on God. So my challenge to you is, how are you dealing with the rocks in your life? Are you allowing them to be a stumbling block and trying to handle it on your own or are you handing it to God and singing your way through the trial? May you continue to lean on God as you face the week ahead.

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