
Saturday, April 20, 2013

A Freeing but Growing Experience

I am reading a book called Authentic Beauty by Leslie Ludy. I had just finished reading the book Do Hard Things by Alex and Brett Harris and then I asked my sister if I could read the book I got her for Christmas, Authentic Beauty by Leslie Ludy. She didn't care that I did, so that is the book I picked up. It is so interesting to me how God seems to put these books in the order he wants me to read them and they somehow flow together...It has happened before. Reading the Do Hard Things book got me ready to do the hard things I needed to do while reading Authentic Beauty. :)

So far I have found Authentic Beauty to be a very good book. It is one that really makes you look at your spiritual life; where you are at in your walk with Christ as well as seeing how you can improve it. Personally for me, I saw some areas that I had sinned in way back when and never really taken care of those things. I believe that is probably part of the reason that I felt like I haven't been growing spiritually like I could have been. I have asked God to bring to mind any other areas that I haven't taken care of and as he does that I pray forgiveness for them and repent of them. It is a really freeing experience. I know there are some things that I still need to take care of but I am ok with it. God is walking with me thru this process and it is definitely worth the time and effort it takes.

It has been a growing experience for me so far and I am hoping that the more I read the book, that God will continue showing me things that I need to do. You might end up hearing more about this book as I read it. If you ever have a chance to read this It doesn't matter if you are older or younger I think it could help women of all ages :)

Here are some more links from The Christian Pundit about modesty:

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